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Bridging Finance in Barry

Em Financial specialises in  bridging finance transactions. we excel at arranging bridging loan financing that aligns perfectly with your needs. Our focus is on delivering the most favorable rates and terms, all while working within your preferred timeline.

No impact on your credit score

Our passion is providing support and guidance to all our customers, especially those seeking Bridging Finance in Barry. Our focus extends beyond finding you a mortgage; we are dedicated to guiding you throughout the mortgage journey, supporting you every step of the way.

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what is a Bridging Finance

Bridging finance is a quick and flexible mortgage option that’s tied to your property. If you own things like investment properties, rental homes, fancy houses, or vacation getaways, you can use them as a guarantee for this type of loan.

With bridge loans, you get a flexible timeline. It can be as short as a week or as long as three years. These loans are really helpful in the UK when you want to buy a new home before you’ve sold your current one. This way, you avoid the hassle of waiting for one sale to happen before you can buy the next place. Bridge loans are also handy for getting money out of your home fast, so you can refinance with another lender. They even come in handy when you’re buying property at an auction and need money quickly.

You can use bridging loans in different situations. They’re good for buying a new home before your old one sells, fixing up a property before selling it, or switching to a bigger or smaller place without a long mortgage process. These loans are like a versatile tool for different money needs.

Open Vs Closed Bridging

If you have a definite plan for repaying your bridging loan (for example, you know you’ll have money by a certain date and will use it to pay back the lender), that’s a closed bridging loan. You usually get a closed bridging loan if you need money until you get funds in the future, like a bonus, selling assets, or inheritance.

An open bridging loan is for when you’re less certain about when you’ll get the money to repay what you borrowed. This happens when you’re waiting for a property sale to finish, for instance.

Whether you choose an open or closed loan, having a solid repayment plan is crucial. Lenders will want to know exactly how you’ll pay them back, and it’s important for your peace of mind too.

EM Financial can help you understand the pros and cons of open and closed bridging loans. Your bridging finance broker will work with you to create a plan for repaying the loan and present it to the lender convincingly.

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Auction Finance

Getting in touch with Enness bridging finance experts well before the auction can make buying this type of property much easier. With their guidance, you’ll be well-prepared to make the right offer based on what you can borrow and comfortably afford.

Residential Bridging Loans

Bridging loans can be applied in various situations involving the buying and selling of residential property. These loans offer remarkable flexibility, allowing you to utilize them in a wide range of ways, as long as you meet a few fundamental requirements.

Short Term Loans

Bridging finance is a great option for extremely short-term funding. These loans can be a bit complicated to set up, so they’re typically chosen when you require a substantial amount of money, even for a brief time. Contact us now to learn more.

Large Bridging Loans

Requiring a substantial loan doesn’t equate to a prolonged process. Em Financial can swiftly secure offers for sizable bridging loans within your required timeframe, ensuring efficiency and providing you the capital you need to move forward with your goals.

Bridging Finance? We'll take care of everything!
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Is Bridging Finance for you?

A bridge loan stands as a well-established and economical financing option. Bridging finance offers a swift arrangement process, with each loan being tailored through individual negotiations. In this regard, EM Financial can adeptly facilitate a loan customized to your circumstances, working alongside bridging loan providers.

Often positioned as an optimal problem solver and opportunity creator, bridging finance finds utility in situations where time is limited or temporary capital shortages arise. It also serves as a recourse when conventional lenders are unable or unwilling to provide financing for various reasons.

Certain borrowers approach bridging finance with reservations, sometimes due to its perceived riskiness. This perception largely arises from uncertainty regarding when and how to utilize it. The general guideline is that bridging finance should be employed when a specific need arises and aligns with the loan’s purpose. Numerous instances exist where it can serve as a tailored solution, particularly beneficial for high-net-worth individuals with substantial assets.

Perceptions can also lean negatively due to its higher cost compared to products like mortgages, coupled with the obligation to repay the loan by a specified date. The reality is that bridging finance doesn’t inherently entail more risk than other financial products. Its appropriateness hinges on proper circumstances. Key factors for successful bridging loan finance encompass a well-defined exit strategy and a clear plan for managing the loan.

Bridging finance emerges as a convenient and pragmatic avenue for swift borrowing. In many cases, it facilitates purchases or endeavors that might otherwise be unattainable. The comparative expense of bridging loan finance often balances against missed opportunities, property acquisitions, breaking property chains, equity release, and similar scenarios resulting from capital unavailability.

As with any loan, specialized advice proves crucial to ascertain suitability. Similarly, securing a deal tailored to your situation is paramount, especially when considering substantial bridging loans of £1 million or more. Much of the potential risk associated with bridging finance can be mitigated by establishing a solid plan for loan utilization and repayment.

EM Financial will guide you through the full spectrum of options and recommend bridging finance only when it presents a viable and effective avenue. Their bridging finance experts ensure comprehension of the intricacies and potential risks, while also highlighting the advantages, enabling an informed decision regarding the suitability of this financing option.

With an exclusive focus on your interests, EM Financial secures the best terms and relieves complexities inherent in transactions with bridge loan lenders. Available round-the-clock to address queries, provide aid, and offer support throughout the process, EM Financial saves you time, money, and unwarranted hassle.

What is a bridging loan?

Having a comprehensive grasp of bridging loans and their mechanics is essential for successful borrowing. Bridging loans, such as Bridging loans, offer impressive flexibility in financing solutions, but like any other financial product, they come with pros and cons. Understanding these factors is vital so that you can determine whether bridging finance aligns with your needs.

Bridging loans typically find utility in specific scenarios, such as breaking a property chain or acquiring a home where traditional mortgage options aren’t available. Alternatively, this loan type can swiftly unlock property equity, enabling you to seize opportunities or make investments.

It’s imperative to have a compelling rationale for choosing bridging loan finance over alternative options. When seeking bridging finance, lenders will still require a well-structured plan outlining why this financing is necessary and how the funds will be utilized.

EM Financial can offer guidance on whether bridging finance suits your circumstances or explore alternative financing avenues that might better suit your needs. Rest assured, Em Financial will only recommend bridging loan finance if it genuinely aligns with your best interests and financial goals.

Disadvantages for Bridging Finance


Compared to regular loans like mortgages, bridging loans can be pricier. A bridging loan means borrowing a big amount of money for a short time and a specific reason, like solving a problem, getting money quickly, or seizing an opportunity. These loans are often used when other types of money aren’t an option, so they cost more. Lenders take more risk with bridging loans and have to do a lot in a short time, like approving and setting up the loan. That’s why they’re more expensive.


But, it’s important to think about what “expensive” means for what you want. Bridging loans cost more than many regular loans, but sometimes they’re your only choice. You might want to break a property chain, get money, buy a new property, or solve a problem. Bridging loans are very flexible and might be the only way to get the money you need. So, paying more can be worth it.


Bridging loans also have more fees than regular loans. There are legal fees, lender fees, valuations, arrangement fees, and other costs. Enness can tell you about all the fees for a bridging loan, so you know the total cost along with the interest rate.


Lenders check how you’ll repay and what money you have. This helps them decide if they can lend to you. For instance, if you’re selling a property or expecting a big payment, it can boost your net worth. Lenders care more about when and how sure you’ll get the money than the event itself. The more certain you and the lender are about repaying, the easier it is to get the loan.

Like any loan, bridging loans have risks. If you can’t pay back, you might lose your property. Having a clear plan to repay and proving you can do it is crucial.

Advantages for Bridging Finance


Getting a mortgage or other types of loans usually takes weeks or even months. Lenders review your application, approve the loan, and make sure you meet the rules. This process takes at least 6-8 weeks, maybe more if it’s complex.

Bridging loans follow the same rules but are faster. So, getting a bridging loan is quicker than a mortgage, which is great if you need money fast.


Not all bridging loans are controlled by rules. Some smaller lenders work faster and focus on the deal, not all your financial details. This means you get the loan faster and with more privacy.


Bridging lenders are smaller and more flexible than big mainstream lenders. This means they decide quickly, and Enness has close relationships with them. Your broker can create a loan based on your situation. Deals get done fast.


Bridging lenders aren’t banks. They set their own rates. This is good because they’re not as affected by rate increases.

Large Loans

You can borrow a lot with big bridging loans. Most lenders can give £2-5 million (usually 70-75% of the property’s value). Some offer even more—£10 million or more.

Top lenders specialize in big loans and can lend a lot. You might get a big bridging loan on a high-value property.


Some borrowers choose bridging loans to get money quickly and easily. Applying takes time, but bridging is usually faster and simpler than other loans like mortgages. Lenders focus on your plan and the property. As long as you can pay back and have a good plan, bridging is easier than other loans. People with a lot of money often pay more for fast and practical loans.

How Much Can I Borrow on Bridging Finance?

As bridging finance has become more popular, more lenders are offering large loans for high-value properties. The current market has lenders that can provide very substantial loans.

The amount you can borrow depends on the property you use as collateral and how you plan to repay. Generally, lenders offer up to 70-75% of the property’s value (Loan-to-Value or LTV), but some may give a bit more. Some lenders offer less, depending on your background, the property, and the deal’s details. If the loan is complex or risky for lenders, you can borrow less. To get the best LTV, having solid plans to use and repay the loan, along with a good financial history, is crucial. The better your financial situation, the more you can likely borrow.

Certain lenders might offer multi-asset lending. This means, for example, you could get a loan using two houses in your portfolio as collateral, which could increase what you can borrow.

Using Bridging Loans

Bridging finance was originally created to help people who wanted to buy a new property before selling their current one. It’s like creating a “bridge” between the two properties.

As time went on, both lenders and borrowers realized how flexible bridging finance can be. While it’s still used to buy a new house before selling the old one, it’s now used in many other situations. One common situation is equity release.

Here’s how it works: a lender gives you a short-term loan based on the value of your property. You can use this loan in different ways. For example, you might use it to invest, like buying shares or expanding a business. You could also use it to buy another property or combine debts. Equity release has many uses, which makes it useful when you need money fast.

how to secure a bridging loan

There are generally two ways to get a bridging loan:

1. Direct Approach: You can directly contact lenders on your own, similar to how you’d reach out to get a mortgage. This is a good choice if your situation is simple or you don’t need to borrow a lot. If things are straightforward and you can use a standard bridging loan package, this option can work well.

2. Broker Assistance: Another option is to use a trusted broker like EM Financial. This is a better route if you need to borrow a substantial amount, have a unique situation (like using special structures or if you’re not a UK resident), or if the property ownership is unusual. A broker is great when you need a big loan or when you’re dealing with international properties. If your situation is out of the ordinary, many lenders might not offer finance, but Enness is experienced in handling complex cases and knows which lenders can give the best deal.

Many big lenders offer standard loan packages that might not fit your needs. So, if you need a loan that’s customized to your situation, working with a broker is the way to go. A tailored loan might be necessary if you’re planning to repay the loan in an “unusual” way, like from a divorce settlement or selling a business.

Bridging loan interest rates

Bridging loans usually have an interest rate based on a percentage of the loan amount, calculated every month. For instance, it could be 0.45%, 1%, or 2% per month.

There are three ways to handle the interest rate:

1. Retained Interest: Your interest payments are taken from the total loan amount and cover the interest as it accumulates. Essentially, you pay the interest upfront.

2. Rolled Up Interest: Instead of making monthly interest payments, the interest is added to the remaining loan amount (calculated monthly). You then repay it all when you finish repaying the loan.

3. Serviced Interest: You need to pay the interest cost every month, similar to how you’d pay a regular mortgage.

How you pay interest affects the overall loan cost, your available cash, and the amount you can borrow. Depending on your situation, Enness will guide you on the best interest structure. They’ll work with lenders to find the option that suits you best and puts you in the strongest position.

Repaying a bridging loan

Bridging loans are short-term loans, different from longer-term ones like mortgages that you pay back over many years.

Bridging loans can last from a few days to several months, up to a maximum of around 36 months. Because they’re so short, lenders want to know how you’ll repay. Unlike long-term loans where you pay back over time, with bridging loans, you pay back the whole amount at once. So, lenders need a solid plan for repayment. You need a clear exit plan to give lenders confidence.

There are various ways to repay a bridging loan, which is also called your “exit.” Here are some options:

  1. Refinancing: You can get another loan from a different lender to repay the bridging loan. This new loan is usually long-term, like a mortgage, with lower interest rates.

  2. Property Sale: You can sell the property the loan is secured against and use the money to repay the loan. If you’re not sure when the sale will happen (like in 3 or 6 months), you might agree on an open bridging loan that gives you flexibility up to a certain point.

  3. Sale of Assets / Liquidity Events: You can use money from another source, like selling another property, assets, or shares, or getting money from a business sale. The how and when you repay matter more than the event itself.

Enness works with different lenders and will understand you, your plans, and finances. Your broker will explain your options and help you choose what’s best. However you repay, remember this type of loan is short-term. If you need a longer-term loan, Enness can help you with refinancing while arranging the bridging loan.

Remember, it’s important to communicate with your broker to find the right repayment plan for you.

Bridging finance for auction purchase

Auctions are great places to find property deals or buy undervalued properties. The bidding happens quickly, so you need to prepare for auction finance ahead of time.

If you’re planning to buy property at an auction, auction finance is a smart option instead of using cash. It lets you access capital fast, which is helpful for investment properties. These loans work well if you like a property being auctioned and want to buy it even if your money is tied up elsewhere.

Usually, at auctions, you need cash for the deposit on the auction day and funds to buy the property within the next three weeks.

Involving EM Financial before the auction makes this process smoother. Your bridging finance broker will get you a conditional bridging finance agreement before the auction. This helps you bid smartly based on what you can borrow and afford.

Auction finance is usually available whether you’re an experienced or first-time buyer. EM Financial can arrange a good deal for you. First-time buyers might need more collateral, so keep that in mind if you’re new to auctions or property development.

Auctions can be thrilling, especially if it’s your first time bidding. Enness is there to listen to your plans and dreams for the property. Your broker helps you understand the auction finance you can get, so you can match your borrowing with your property plans. This helps you decide if you need to adjust your plans or if you can do more with your finances.

Bridging finance for property development

Bridging finance is often used when you need money for property construction or redevelopment. For instance, you might need funds to develop a commercial property or renovate your own house or an investment property. You can also use a bridging loan if you’ve borrowed from multiple lenders to work on a property you’re developing and planning to sell later. This way, you can pay off all lenders and make your borrowing simpler to manage. Bridging finance for property development is known for its flexibility and can be used in various situations.

Large bridging loans

In the UK, the market for bridging loans is highly competitive. If you’re seeking a straightforward and reasonably priced loan, there are many lenders available to choose from.

However, if your situation is more complex or you require a large bridging loan (above £3 million), it can be challenging to get the best deal by directly approaching lenders. These types of loans are fast-paced and intricate, involving many different elements that need to align simultaneously. This complexity is even more pronounced for larger loans.

In this specialized segment of the market, there are fewer lenders, but Enness can be incredibly valuable in securing the most competitive offer and providing maximum flexibility. Your bridging finance broker will manage negotiations and ensure your loan is customized to fit your unique situation and fulfill all your requirements. After securing the loan, they will maintain the process’s momentum, collaborating with other parties such as your legal team, surveyor, and lender to guide the transaction smoothly to completion without any disruptions.

It’s important to note that requiring a large loan doesn’t necessarily mean enduring a prolonged transaction. EM Financial has the ability to swiftly secure offers for substantial bridging loans, always within the timeframe that suits your needs.

Regulated and unregulated bridging loans

Regulated bridging loans are tied to properties where you’ve lived, are currently living, or will live in the future. This also includes properties where a family member will reside.

These loans are regulated by the FCA, which means there are rules about whether you can afford the monthly loan payments. Lenders will assess your income to make sure you have enough to comfortably meet the repayment schedule.

Unregulated bridging loans are for other property types or purposes. This includes properties like buy-to-let, property developments, and commercial properties.

EM Financial handles both regulated and unregulated loans. Your broker will assist you in securing the loan you need, no matter how simple or complex your situation is, how quickly you need the funds, or what you’re using the loan for. EM Financial has access to a wide range of lenders and regularly secures bridging finance for borrowers in all situations. This ensures a smooth process from application to finalizing your bridging loan.

EM Wales is a trading style of Estates Mitchell Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Registration Number 948488 at www.fca.org.uk/Register 

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate all aspects of Commercial and Buy to Let Mortgages.